How to: Configure the Custom Implementation DLL and Type

When you create a device in the LS Hardware Station Management Portal, the default configuration uses the device implementation DLL that comes with the LS Hardware Station installation.

But if a customer needs custom functionality that is not standard functionality in LS Hardware Station, the LS Retail partner can create his or her own implementation DLL to support the customer's requirement.

When creating a custom implementation, the partner needs to create his or her own DLL with a different name than the default implementation DLL. The implementation type (class name) within that custom DLL must also be different from the default implementation type.


The default implementation DLL for printing is called LSOposPrinter.dll and the implementation type is LSRetail.NAV.Opos.Printer.You could call the customized DLL LSOposPrinterEx.dll and the implementation type Partner.Opos.MyPrinterCustomization. The main reason for not using the default names is so you can create more than one device within the same Hardware Station, where one of the printer devices is using the default implementation but the second device is using the customized functionality.

To configure a device to have a custom implementation

  1. Open the LS Hardware Station Management Portal in a browser (default location is localhost:8088) and log in.
  2. Expand the device tab that you are going to use in the Device List , and click the Create button.
  3. In the pop-up window, add a device ID for your device and select the OPOS device driver that has previously been installed on the computer.
  4. Set Use custom implementation to Yes.
  5. The default location of the Implementation DLL is set for you, but you can change the location to be any path that the LS Hardware Station has read access to.
    Note: If you are using the default path, you must change the last section of the path (which by default is set to <implementation dll>) to be the name of the customized implementation DLL.
  6. You must also change the default value of the Implementation type to be the implementation type of the customized DLL (that is the namespace and class name).
    • If the implementation type name is not correct, the log file will note the error that comes up when trying to load the DLL.
    • If the customized DLL is referencing another DLL that for some reason is not accessible to the customized DLL, the DLL will not be loaded and an error is logged to the log file.