Salary Hours

When the time registration has been processed either using the time registration journal, or the clock in / out features of the module, the registration is processed and converted to salary hours according to the associated Work Arrangement setting on the employee.

If the time registration is according to plan, the process automatically accepts the generated salary hours, and the supervisor has no need to review those hours. However, in case entries are not according to the plan, that is the employee arrives late or early, leaves late or early, then entries are awaiting the supervisors approval and it is not possible to close the salary period or export entries to salary system, unless those entries are either approved or rejected by the supervisor / manager.

How to accept and reject work hours

There are two ways to accept hours which have not been automatically accepted:

a) In the Staff Management role center, click Time Acceptance in the Actions section to open a general work sheet page to handle hour acceptance.

In the Salary Entries FastTab, the system shows all salary hour entries according to the filtering, and the user can either select Accept or Reject for each entry.

If rejected then the user might be required to enter a comment (reason for rejection), depending on setup.

b) You can access the same functionality through the role center's Set Up Cue tiles, but with more specific filters related to current date and current status of the entries:

  • Open: Shows All Open entries which need to be either rejected or accepted
  • OK: Shows entries for current work date which have been accepted
  • Rejected: Shows entries for current work date which have been rejected

How to handle employee no shows

Through the Time Acceptance page or from the role center actions menu, click Create No Show Entries. What this function does is to compare the time registration with the roster schedule and see who of the employees did not show up for their planned work, and create salary entries according to the roster plan. However, these entries will have the Unavailability Type set according to what has been registered on the employee, i.e. if this was a planned vacation or known sick leave, and thus should be paid. If nothing was registered upfront and the employee simply didn’t show up for their engagement or forgot to punch in & out, then the manager must decide if the entries should be accepted as normal hours, or simply rejected and not included in the employee’s salary. Note: This process can be set to be automatically executed for previous date in the staff management setup, and should not be manually executed for current date unless employees have left.

How to close salary period

When the salary period needs to be closed and sent to the salary module, then no salary entries can be open and undecided within that same period. From the Staff Management role center actions menu there is a function Close Period, which allows the manager to close the period dated from when the last closing process was done (for the location), and until current work date.

This process checks for any open entries, and sets the current closing date (end date of the salary period) as the current work date. All salary entries within the period are now closed for modification and no entries can be deleted or created within that period.

Note: When a period is closed the system automatically goes through the no-show process for the same period to make sure it has been executed for all days in the period. If there are new salary entries created based on those no-shows then the user will get a warning that no-show entries have been created and the closing process is aborted. Then the user must review the now Open entries and either accept or reject, and when there are no entries open at that point, re-try closing the same period and hopefully get a message that closing was successful.

How to re-open salary period

If a period has been closed and for some reasons changes need to be done on salary entries within that period, then it’s still possible to change the closing date and thus re-open the period for changes.

The user can simply go to the Work Locations card and change the Closing Date field. Note, however, that it is not possible to re-open a period which has already been exported to the salary system.

How to export salary hours to Salary module

From the Administration menu the supervisor can review the status of the locations (within their region) and see the last Closing Date, which indicates if the period is available for exporting to the salary system. The manager of each location must close the period (from the role center) before the export can be executed.


The actual export is then done as a back office function from the department menu, since the export is going through all the work locations in the company and preparing one file with all closed salary entries. The user can select the export period, but the system will check if all active locations have closed the same period to make sure all salary entries have been confirmed by the manager.

When the user sets this period and prints this report to a printer, then the physical printout will be considered as an accounting reference document and a file will be created for the salary module to import (see the file path in the staff management setup, and the name of the file will be salary.txt).

The system will update the Closing Salary Date in the Staff Management Setup for the whole company, which will mean that all entries up to and including that date will be regarded as non-editable entries. Note that if this report is being previewed on screen, then the closing date is not updated.