LS Central 17.5 Release Notes

About This Release

Released - April 29, 2021

This version is built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2020 release wave 2, cumulative update 5, build 17.5.22499.22546.

Discontinuation of LS Nav

LS Retail policy for LS Central is that new features and fixes go into the next new release, not previous releases. When LS Central 15.0, the first AL version, was released, it was decided to make an exception to this by continuing to release fixes and new events in LS Nav 14.x for a limited time. The time has come to end this exception: the last version of LS Nav 14, version 14.04, was released in January 2021.

All open support tickets related to versions prior to LS Central 15.0, that is all tickets related to LS Nav, have been closed. Partners can submit new tickets for LS Central if the issue still applies there.

LS Central 17.5

LS Central 17.5 is delivered as an extension with dependency on the Business Central Base App. This means that LS Central does not make any changes to the Business Central Base Application. The release package includes both the runtime app and the source code.

LS Central AL code

The source code is delivered in AL files that can be modified by partners. It is, however, highly recommended to make all modifications in extensions, and if you need to alter the LS Central or Business Central behavior then do that by subscribing to events.

It is LS Retail's priority to make it easy for the partners to extend LS Central. Therefore, there is a special section in our Support Portal where partners can submit requests for new events. These requests are given priority.

(click the image to expand and collapse)

LS Central extension

The release package includes LS Central as a runtime app that can be installed as an extension. To install the extension, you first need to publish it, see Publishing and Installing an Extension v2.0. Once the extension has been published, the LS Central extension can be installed using the Extension Management page in Business Central.

Important Notices for Upcoming Release


The versioning of the LS Central app is normally as follows: <major>.<minor>.<hotfix>.<build> - for example v.

(click the image to expand and collapse)

Until now the build number section has always been 0. Due to a technical change in the Business Central platform, LS Central versions 17.4, 17.5, and 18.0 will be released with a build number (not equal to 0).

LS Central Object Prefixing

One of the requirements for apps on AppSource is to add an Affix to all objects in the app. To prepare LS Central for AppSource, all LS Central objects have been prefixed with the prefix LSC.

There is a 30-character limit on object names. Over 1000 LS Central objects exceed that limit when the LSC prefix is added to the object name. These object names have been adjusted, for example by using abbreviations, shortened words, or other naming adjustments.

For all object types except PageExtensions and TableExtensions the prefix is on object level. On PageExtensions and TableExtensions the prefix is on control/field/action level. Captions are not changed. AL source file names are not changed.

All apps that have dependency on LS Central should be tested and adjusted to the prefixed names. This is a breaking change and upgrades must use ForceSync.

New or Enhanced Features



White-listed Auto-tests Removed

White-listed unit test codeunits have now been removed from the code base. Now all auto-test codeunits in the master repository should run successfully.

POS Debug Log to Database Table

POS Debug Log feature can now be configured to log to a data table. This feature lets you log the activity of the POS to an SQL table instead of logging into a file. This makes it possible to get a Debug log even if you are running the POS in a Cloud environment.

You can configure to get the logs for certain terminals at a given time or period and so on. When the Debug Log has been created, you can view the log, download and delete it in the BackOffice. The Log entries will be automatically deleted after a number days since their creation; the number of days is configurable.

Update Item.Picture Value

There is a new action, Update Item Pictures, in Retail Images. This action updates the Retail Image List page with the image that is linked to the retail item based on the Retail Item Link records that are linked to the Item table. This can be useful, for example, in case the Retail Images and Retail Image Link records are imported from .zip or configuration files.

LS Hardware Station

MSR Virtual Device Added to Virtual Station

The Virtual MSR device has been reintroduced to the Virtual Station. The functionality is the same as before.

For more information see Virtual MSR in the LS Central Help.

LS Central POS

Cancel/Close Button Added to Device Dialog Window for Scanner

The Scanner dialog window (MOBILESCAN) now has a Close button that can be used to close the dialog window in case it hangs after a scan.


LS Central for Restaurants

New Web Services for Hospitality

There are four new web services for Hospitality:

  • CreateHospOrder 
  • CancelHospOrder 
  • GetEstimatedTime
  • GetKotStatus

Performance Improvement: Temporary Tables

To improve performance, six tables that are always used as temporary within Hospitality are now marked with TableType Temporary.

LS Activity

Improved Unavailability Setting on Resources

The user can now set up general unavailability for a resource on a specific time or date, for example lunch breaks at a different time on specific dates. The user can simply set the date and the new lunch time, and set the comment as Lunch. If the comment is the same as in the general unavailability, the system will regard it as a change for lunch on only that particular date.

The user can use "drag and drop" features in the availability matrix to move the breaks (unavailability) to a different time. This is possible even if the break (unavailability) is derived from a general setting, as the system will automatically create a specific date unavailability in the background.

New Actions on Activity Group Lines List

There are new actions on the Activity Group Lines list to Confirm All and Cancel All - these will always change the status on all activities in the group reservation.

New Option to Show Price Comment on POS

The Activity setup has a new option, Show Price Comment on POS. When set, the associated price comment in the POS journal is shown when an activity is paid on the POS.

New Setting on Activity Reservation Type

The Activity Reservation Type has a new setting, Update Group Reservation Dates. If set, the from/to dates on the group reservation will be automatically updated upon confirmation, based on the related activities. In case this does not work on hotel reservations, you should set the related reservation type to NOT do so, and then it is just populated by the related dates in the hotel reservation.

Open Deposit Balance Shown in Activity Manager Role Center

The Activity Manager Role Center has a new cue, Deposits, that shows open deposit balances. When you click the cue, a list opens with the related reservations. The History top menu has a new action, Transactions, that shows a list of all deposits, charge2res, hotelres, and cancellation fees.

LS Hotels

New Upsell and Upgrade Page

A new page has been added to perform upsell or upgrade between rooms, property, and rate codes. You can open this page with the Upsell/Upgrade action on the Reservation card. The page will also open automatically if

  • the room is changed and the new room has a different room type.
  • Room Type is changed - if the new room type does not have the same rate code as the old room type, the new rate code is empty and needs to be selected.
  • Property is changed -if the room type does not exist in the new property, the new room type is empty and needs to be selected.

The total amounts (old and new) are shown, and the From and To sections show if there is a difference in rate attributes between the old and new settings.

The default setting is to do an upsell, but there is an option to do an upgrade. Ifan upgrade, the New Total Amount is set the same as the Old Total Amount and the Rate Code Attributes prices are then adjusted with the same split percentage as on the pre-upgrade setting.

Undo Check-in

If a reservation was accidentally checked in, it is now possible to undo the check-in. This is only possible on the same day as the check-in and before the Night Audit job has been run.

Support for Late Check-ins (After Midnight)

If guests are arriving after midnight, it is now possible to check the guests in provided the reservation has not been set to No-Show.

Set Deposits for Specific Invoice Types

A new option has been added on the Deposit Amount Payment page in BackOffice to mark which invoice type the deposit should be routed to. When an invoice is created from the BackOffice, only deposits marked for the company or paymaster will be used on the invoice.

Print Option for Charges Overview

A new action, Charges Overview, has been added on the Hotel Invoice Management page. This action opens a report that shows a detailed list of all items charged to the reservation, their receipt number, price, and VAT information.

Early Checkout Penalty Options Aligned With Cancellation and No-Show Penalties

In the cancellation policies, the Early Checkout Penalty options have been aligned with the Cancellation and No Show Penalty options. The options are:

  • First Night - if leaving 3 days early, then charge Early Checkout Fee for the first of the 3 nights
  • Number of nights  - if leaving 3 day early, then it is possible to charge for 2 of these.
  • Percentage - if the 3 nights have a rate of 100, it is possible to charge 20% of that rate.
  • Fixed amount - Early Checkout Fee is a fixed amount.
  • None

Default Routing Rule and Rate Code for Customer

The Business Central Customer page has been extended with a Hotel FastTab where it is possible to set a default rate code and default routing rule for the customer. These will be applied to a hotel reservation when a customer is added to it.

New Cues, Deposit Balance and Open Deposits, in BO Role Center

Two new data cues have been added to the Hotel BackOffice Role Center. These show the

  • Deposit Balance from the G/L account, clicking this cue opens a list of the General Ledger Entries.
  • Open Deposits shows the amount of open deposits. Clicking this cue opens a list of Open Deposits.

Qty and No of Persons Shown in the Reservation Activity List in POS

The activity lists on the Reservation and Group Reservation pages in the POS now show the Qty of activities and the number of persons as a prefix on the activity list. If the Qty or Number of persons is 1, no prefix is added.

Fixed Issues



Command PRINT_LAST_C With More Transaction Type Filters

When doing a reprint of the latest transaction on the POS, the system now prints the receipt by using the PRINT_LAST_C command with the following transaction types: Sales, Payments, Voided, and Cancellation. Previously, the command only used the Sales type.

LS DE/AT: Missing Transaction Signatures

Transactions created for Float Entry and Tender Declaration are now signed as all other transactions.

LS Hardware Station

Ignored Drawer Status Property

The property Drawer Status on the POS Drawer Card was being ignored by the LS Hardware Station. This has now been fixed.


Item Division Filter in Replen. Template Page

In the Replen. Template page, an issue where the Item Division Filter field was not accepting multiple Division Codes has now been fixed.