Setting Up Design Mode for the POS

The POS has two modes: Normal mode and Design mode.

With Normal mode it is possible to do some basic changes for the POS, but the Design mode lets the user access all other POS setup data, the controls, and profiles. Most of the changes done directly in the POS this way will take effect immediately, once you go back to Normal mode.

The active retail user has to be defined as a POS super user for the Design mode to become active.

Being able to design the POS layout in run time is more efficient and convenient when making adjustments or creating new panels.

This functionality will therefore be used by programmers, partners, or super users who need to make changes in run time.

In addition to manipulating the controls, you can open all POS profiles as well staff, terminal, and store cards to change design properties in run time, such as style, interface, and hardware profiles.

The Design mode is a practical tool and lets the POS super user change the POS setup, edit the different controls, profiles, and more data. This has to be done with special care.

Tip: There is no Undo action available for the Design mode, so take care to save a copy of the different profiles before you start working. It is so easy to change and edit the POS setup in Design mode.

Interface Profile – Context Menus

A context menu defines the menu that opens in the POS, when the POS user presses the right button.

For the Design mode, it is necessary to have context menus. Individual context menus exist for the different interface profile controls. In the POS, the system selects a context menu to open depending on the control the POS user is active in.

The different interface profile controls that have their own context menus are:

  1. Panel
  2. Button Pad
  3. Data Grid
  4. Input
  5. Record Zoom
  6. Media
  7. Browser

The context menus consist of POS commands. Most of the POS commands used in the context menus have in common that they allow the user to edit the data.

There are commands that allow the user to:

  • Edit menu lines
  • Edit button properties
  • Edit the active Interface Profile and all the other POS profiles
  • Edit the settings for the active staff ID
  • Edit the Data Table
  • Edit the lookup
  • Edit the panel, set rows and columns
  • Enter and exit design mode.

The system contains several POS commands used for Normal and Design mode; these are listed at the end of this topic.

The Context Menus for the Interface Profile Setting

The person responsible for the POS setup has to set up the context menus that are used in the Interface Profile.

Note: The Context menus in the LS Central Demo Data Company are intended as a guideline for how they can be designed. Each configuration can change them manually to suit their requirements.

Note: The setup data should at least have context menus settings for the ##DEFAULT Interface Profile. Other interface profiles look for the data in profile ##DEFAULT when they have no specific settings themselves.

List of Context Menus in the Demo Data Company

On the Interface Profile Card, the Context Menus FastTab, you assign context menus to the various interface profile controls.


The menus on the left in the Context Menus FastTab are activated in the POS when the POS is in Normal Mode.

The menus on the right in the Context Menus FastTab are activated in the POS when the POS is in Design Mode.

POS Normal mode

The Normal Mode is a state the super user is in running the POS and with the Design Mode not activated. The super user can open the context menus by right-clicking them.

The menu that opens is a context menu and depends on:

  • The control type the user is active in.
  • The Context menu setup in the active Interface Profile, or from the ##DEFAULT Interface profile according to the default concept.

Each POS User context menu consists of two context menus:

  • The context menu for the panel.
  • The context menu belonging to the active control.

Note: The panel context menu always comes on top of the control context menu.

Example: POS user is active over a button pad control.

When the POS user presses the right button over a menu this menu opens:

  • The first two lines, Enter Design Mode and Panel Properties come from the context menu set with the Panel.
  • The other lines come from the context menu set with Button Pad.

POS Design Mode

The Design Mode is a state that a super user can enter in order to manipulate controls and button pad menus on a current panel. When the state is entered, some controls change in appearance showing a watermark saying Design Mode for indication. This state affects the options in the context menu when a user right-clicks; the options allow for some kind of manipulations, such as:

  • Cut
  • Copy
  • Paste
  • Remove
  • Span
  • Properties
  • Add/New Control

To switch on the Design Mode

  1. The POS retail user must have POS Super User enabled.
  2. Start the POS.
  3. Right-click the mouse and select Enter Design Mode (command DESIGNMODE).

To stop to use the Design Mode in POS, do the same in reverse.

To exit Design Mode

  • Select the option Exit Design Mode (command DESIGNMODE).

The DESIGNMODE command is an On/Off command; the same command is used to start and exit the Design Mode.

While in Design Mode, the POS gives an indication with a watermark text.

Examples of Context Menus

The following images show the Context Menus for Normal Mode and Design Mode that are used in the Demo Data Company.

#REGULARMODE - Regular Mode

#DATAGRID - Data Grid Mode

#DESIGNMODE - Design Mode

and more lines

#MENUDESIGN - Menu Design

#MEDIACONTROL - Media Control

POS commands for the Interface Profile Context Menus

These are the commands that can be used for the Interface Profile’s Context menus.

Command Description
BUTTON_COPY Copy button
BUTTON_CUT Cut button
BUTTON_DELETE Delete button
BUTTON_PASTE Paste button
BUTTON_PASTE_ATTR Paste button attributes
BUTTON_PASTE_ATTRALL Paste button attributes to all
BUTTON_PROPERTIES Show button card
CONTROL_ADD Add control
CONTROL_COPY Copy control
CONTROL_CUT Cut control
CONTROL_PASTE Paste control
CONTROL_PROPERTIES Control properties
CONTROL_REMOVE Remove control
CONTROL_SPAN_COLUMN Change control column span
CONTROL_SPAN_ROW Change control row span
DESIGNMODE POS design mode
DATATABLE_PROPERTIES Opens current data table on data grid
LOOKUP_PROPERTIES Opens current lookup card
TERMINAL_PROPETIES Opens current terminal card
STAFF_PROPERTIES Opens current staff card
INTERFACE_PROFILE Opens current interface profile
HARDWARE_PROFILE Opens current hardware profile
FUNCTIONAL_PROFILE Opens current functionality profile
MENU_PROFILE Opens current menu profile
STYLE_PROFILE Opens current style profile